Life is so busy

You run every where all of the time.
You literally have alarms set for everything from getting this set of kids up, to the next set, to meds, to pick up reminders, to bedtimes.
Nothing ever seems like its for you because you have people around you pulling you in 50 million directions 24/7.
The baby didn't sleep all night again so you never clocked out.
You are trying to figure out bills, band, orthodontist and food along with how in the world you are going to get it all done in the time given for that day.
The laundry and dishes won't get done unless you do it or stay on top of someone else to do it and then at the "end" of the busy day you have dinner, then you have to start timing showers because lord knows that hot water only goes over so many people.
Meanwhile the baby just wants you and you have 6 different people telling you about their day and the husband is calling.
Its a lot.. sometimes it feels like too much..
Soon, it will all be gone..
All the after school activities, practices and pre-car jobs you run them to.. will be gone
Your phone will no longer go off telling you to wake up them kids, one by one.. them kids will be gone leaving your phone silent.
Soon all you will have is time for yourself.
And nobody will need your attention any more because you did your job and listened to each of them talk about their day and now they are living their life confident you will be there if they need you.
There will be no baby keeping you up at night.. it will be yourself waking up trying to remember what it was like to cradle that sweet crying wee one and wishing you had not been so irritated they woke you and cuddled a little longer.
Soon you will have all the time in the world to look back and think, how in the world did we juggle all the bills and activities into our finances, and how did I have the time to get it all done!?
You will walk into your kitchen and there will be no dishes.. the amount of cups to people ratio will no longer be an issue. The laundry will be done and the house so clean you will have nothing to do and dinner will not seem nearly as daunting as it used to and you will long for the conversation you had while this kid or that kid stood there and helped you cook it.
Soon that baby or that kid will no longer be there to want for your attention.
Soon.. comes all too fast.. before you know it the house is quite and your job.. although not finished.. will change.
Just remember that parents.. when it all seems like it's too much and its never going to end.. it does.. and it comes way faster then you expect.. before you know it they are graduating and living states away!
You are amazing and doing an amazing job.. Cherish it!


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