Why I don't drive...

Ever been just driving along and suddenly remember you were supposed to be turning somewhere...

Yeah that's me.. nearly every time I leave the house! Last weekend I took the girls out and we were talking or singing I don't remember which and I missed my turn.. no big I just turned at the next block and kinda circled back around.. I got back to the street I was supposed to be on and thought "sweet they didn't' even notice."..

Abby.. "Miss your turn mom?"...

Me.. "Notice that did ya Ab?"

Nothing new because I am telling you I zone out so easy! This morning for instance I was on my way to a meeting and was just driving along and thought well it will be faster if I make sure I turn at this spot instead of that spot..

Then 2 seconds later my brain does this..

Song on the radio comes on and I start to sing along then think.. "I wonder what else this person sings, I need to look that up later, Oh I need to look up our gas bill too and pay that, oh and the trash... wait.. what day do they pick that up again.. is it this morning or is that Friday.."

Suddenly I realize I have missed that turn that would have made it faster.. "crap.. pay attention Steph, it's ok you are early anyway just go the normal way."

2 seconds later...

"Man birthdays have come around again and we have a new one this year.. I wonder what we need to do for his birthday.. I mean he needs a smash cake... wait... we need to get material and start upstairs too, we should probably pick a paint color for up there tho, the girls will just fight over a color so we have to pick for them and we need something bright so it's not so scary up there.. "

And there was my turn...

Stephanie come on get it together!! Ok turn around.. Finds a spot and turns but it's close to the church so then the church yard sale pops up in my head..

"I wonder if we have enough stuff to bring up there for that.. no stop pay attention.. you have a turn coming up.. yes right there see it.. now just focus and don't miss is.. there ya go.. now get to the place of the meeting! Just stop thinking for a min!"

Ya'll seriously this is my struggle! I am called Dory for a reason!! Anyone else have this issue?.. NO? just me? cool cool cool


  1. Keith missed not one but 2 turns yesterday. Usually never. Maybe it was just one of those days.


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