Why so serious..

I have a theory about my youngest little..

I am almost positive he thinks everyone is an idiot... No I am serious.. If you ever meet him he has a serious case of whats reffed to as RBF..

He NEVER smiles.. I mean he does but not like normal babies, You know the ones you see in the store that you wave at and say "Well are you just not the cutest thing?!" (even if they are not) and you make all kinds of faces and noises just to get that little baby smile..

Yeah not my kid.. He will just look at you like you are below him. He has many different serious faces too. And it always catches me off guard and is slightly entertaining when strangers try to get that smile out of him. I stand there watching as he looks at them, then looks at me like.. "they can't be for real."

He is very judgey, he judges me constantly! I can feel it when he is staring a hole through me! Like when I don't hand him the right toy that he is reaching for he will sit there.. quiet.. with the eyes.. and the look... telling me I am wrong. Or when he poops it and I ask... "did you poop it?" The look I get for that is "You can clearly smell that I have done so, must you ask every single time?".

I watched the youngest village babe the other day for the first time, and I had them both on my lap.. he was not impressed and apparently is incredibly jealous along with being judgey.. He eventually was ok with her but um... well just take a look..

He is still cute tho! 

It really does make me wonder what in the world is going through his mind. I have had a few kids.. by a few I mean a lot, and none of them were ever this serious.. Most babies they wake up and are smiling and playing and ready for the day or screaming I guess. My kid wakes up and it's like he is ready for a cup of coffee and a newspaper. He does wake up smiling sometimes but not very often. Even when he watches T.V. (save your judgments all my kids watch t.v. and they all just fine) he prefers to watch the sports channel.. Or curious George

Wanna have someone help you lose weight.. just borrow him because let me tell ya he sure does use his judgey face powers to make you put that cupcake down..it's like he is saying "You really wanna eat that Nancy,  that's how you get fat." 

I will include a picture of him actually smiling tho since I just spend this post on how he doesn't do so.. he does.. on occasion.. use his powers for good. 


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