23 vs 33

I was thinking the other day about how different it is having a baby at the age I am now vs when I had my youngest at 23 years old.

Not only are things just different in general as far as things that are available now compared to when Eowyn was born... like a spatula to apply baby butt paste... what?! Dude I used my hand and maybe a baby wipe.. you can throw that baby wipe away now you gotta clean your kids butt then squeeze out that cream and slap it on there and smooth it all out like you are decorating a freakin cake.. and, now you get to go the extra mile and go clean said thing off. .... no thanks

I am not even sure I wanna get started on the NOSE sucker... a tube.. that you put up to your snotty kids nose.. put the other end in your mouth and guess what... you SUCK ON IT!!
You know that bulb you get from the hospital.. it works sooo good and if you clean it right like with water and vinegar then it last for a very long time or at least until you can teach them to blow their own nose... I know, I know, that may be an unpopular opinion but... EEWWWWWW

Back to my point tho..

Maybe it was because I had 5 kids that were ages 0 to 8, I had zero patience and was just always so run down. I looked sick most days if I am being honest and had zero desire to do anything at all. I love my kids and they have literally always been my world.. I was a stay at home mom. But I can remember being so miserable and I just could not wait on them to get bigger and for me to work and just be better.

Then they got older and I realized I wished it all away. I loved working tho. Then I added two bonus babies.. one went off to the Marines and they all just won't slow down!!

Then Comes Baby Bear.... It had been 10 years since having a newborn in the house.. and it had been 15 years since me having a newborn baby boy.. I forgot how far they can hit with that thing let me tell ya!!

I do not love him any more or less then any of my other kids at all and I can say that with confidence.. but I can also say that I am very different with him then I was with the others.. I am older.. I have grown up a lot.. and when I look at him I just see it going way too fast. Also he uses so much more equipment then I ever remember the other kids having, SO MUCH STUFF...

Although I am tired every day it's a different kind of tired and I am grateful for it. We never thought we would have another and here he is screaming and laughing and rolling all over the place.

10 years ago when kids would whine and cry I would get so frustrated and just want some peace, Now when he cries it makes me smile and I cherish the fact he needs me right now because before I know it he won't any more. I really don't even know how to explain it to be honest other then I feel like All the kids were born when they were supposed to be but.. I was way too young to really appreciate having them.

I will say one cool little tool they come up with is that feeder spoon thing!!
But seriously.. a butt spatula?


  1. I loooooovvvvveeeee my nose Frida. That thing is a God send. It actually does work a ton better but I understand how it grosses you out. A butt spatula? No thanks. I can just use my hand.
    I feel the same way you about the babies. It’s so different now. Even with Piper. I’m always rushed and know I need to slow down and spend some mommy time with her. And Grace is already 4 months. I can’t believe how much she’s already grown. She’s almost sitting up now and can scoot across the floor. Now I’m about to cry. ❤️


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