It's a turn lane...

Sometimes other people make no sense...

Like the person that uses the turn lane to pull out and merge into traffic... NOT what that is for and in fact you are going to cause a wreck!! If this is you... just don't... just stop...

Had a guy do this yesterday then got in the lane beside me and refused to pull all the way up when the light turned red because he knew I was not pleased with him, not only did he do this but... when he did he pulled out so far that he might as well of just come all the way out so I had to slam on my breaks to avoid hitting him... He watched me the whole time so I know he saw me coming.

I am not nearly as bad with the road rage as some that I know but this is something that bothers me because of the danger in it.. had I tried to just miss him I would have hit others in the lane beside me when all he had to do was wait a min longer and the road was clear both ways.

See most people know that is a turn lane, so when people like this come barreling out, to someone like me you instinctively think they are pulling out in front of you so you start trying to asses where you can go because there is no way you can stop in time... So then when you make us swerve or slam on our breaks and then you get honked at because of your neglect... DO NOT expect a smile when you make eye contact... and don't you dare act like we did something wrong when you just did that!

So.. in short... IT'S A TURN LANE NOT A MERGE LANE!!

Anyone else have issues with this or another driver peeve?


  1. I yell at people almost every day for that.
    One that gets me is when you get on the on ramp and someone is in front of you and they go 40. The. Entire. Way. Up. The. Ramp. You are supposed to be going the speed of traffic by the time you get to the end of the on ramp. Come on people. It isn’t that hard.


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